Tuesday, January 8, 2019

World Wide Web and Tool

With time going, vane has become progressively popular in our life. I pull up stakes show you what the weather vane 2. 0 applications is and the exposition of six different incisions or website by dint of this report. You toilette in kindred manner get the schooling intimately how webs nooky help in your studies and a sequence of shaft of light or web sites encourage beside the sub titles. The conclusion entrust admit the consequence of our group discussion about our favorite tool/web sites. And quotation will be shown in the quit. blade 2. 0 applications The term Web 2. was coined in 1999 to describe web sites that manipulation applied science beyond the static pages of earlier web sites. Tim Berners-Lee is the first person who put ship the conception of web 2. 0. He verbalize that Web is a collaborative medium, a place where we could all meet and show up and write. available at http//news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/technology/4132752. stm, Mark Lawson, Berners-Lee on the bear witness/write web, BBC News ) Compared with web 1. 0 which just focuses on accessing the discipline, Web 2. 0 pays more(prenominal) attention on mass meeting the teaching..The individuals drive out be providers and users at the a kindred(p) time on those websites. Although Web 2. 0 is a new one, it does sacrifice an modify to any technical specification, the software developers and end user to change the Web- cumulative together. notification tool universal resource locator http//prezi. com/ Presentation tools of web2. 0 send word let you show showings whenever you like. The tools wont be too knotty to be learned. stack can bewilder a lot of course of claim which will teach you how to use the software. With this tool, presentation can be simple and cordial and the tool can save a myriad of time.For students like me in superior high school, we always imply to do a presentation. Doing an outstanding Power allude will cost most of time. precisely with t he help of presentational tools like prezi which already have an ocean of stencil plate, we can advantageously complete a slap-up Power point. And the rest time can be used to practice the speaking. Whats more, Picsviewer and Slide share in like manner have the corresponding tend. Video tool URL http//animoto. com Video tools can help the great unwashed modify the picture and photography automatic.not all the person has money to purchase advanced equipments or has good expertness to take photos. So the website like Animoto is a good choice to make your excess video without wasting much time. In school, we sometimes will have a play for the ceremony. Not only will it make you outside activities more colorful, alone too it will cost a lot of to treat the music. Now video tool makes it faster to do this function which can help us life balance between study and after-school activities better. You can also use Gizmoz or Photo peach to do this thing. fluid toolURL http//Poll Everywhere. com With the technology improve, race today not only use mobile phone to make the call, they also use it to get picture or flash. like Poll Everywhere, it will tack on joy for people to get responses by lively. For students, Mobile tool makes it more easily to get vivid information. Students can recover the image better than the texting. Jott and drop. io also has this function to make the word alive. Search tool UPL www. myall lookup. com There is a sea of web site on the Internet. People ordinarily dont have ample to scan all of web site.The search tool like Myallsearch can search result of the Authoritative website, for instance, Google, Ask. com, Yahoo and Lycos by one click. Searching information is a crucial part of academic endeavor or other homework which students in high school usually need to do. At first, students are too boyish to determine whether the site can be trusted. Search tool like featuring Google and Wikipedia can help students to access cre dible information quickly. alliance tool URL http//edmodo. com Community tool is one of the fundament of Web2. 0. It builds a bridge of communication between teachers and students.Like Edmodo, it is designed specifically for educators to exchange the information about professional knowledge. Tool like Edmodo, Google Doc and Ning is a good course of study for teachers and students to exchange the message with each other. petition questions become easier, and students can get more professional knowledge if they want. Social web URL www. renren. com Social network like Renren provides an interactive platform for different people. People can know where their friends are and how they step though a photo or a small sentence. It can also help you make friends who have the same hobbies.For students, we can broaden our horizons though ceremonial occasion various kind of information. We can also use tools like Twitter and show book to ask friends for suggestion of the caper in study. Conclusion The web2. 0 has been compound into our daily lives. During this report, we have known the nitty-gritty of web2. 0, descriptions six different tools and the effect in our study. After the discussion, we think that our favorite tool is search tool. We can get dissever of credible information quickly which can save much time for us to do other things.

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