Friday, March 15, 2019

Ernest Hemingway and Zelda Fitzgerald :: Biography Biographies Essays

Ernest Hemingway and Zelda Fitzgerald Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was born July 24th, 1900 to Anthony Sayre, a judge of the Alabama Supreme Court, and Minnie, a once aspiring actress. She was considered a sought-after Southern belle who had a collection of soldiers insignia pins by the time she met Scott Fitzgerald at the age of twenty. However, Zelda refused marriage until 1920 when the publication of This Side of heaven gave Scott the wealth and economic stability, which she demanded. The first few geezerhood of their marriage were characterized by extravagant spending, but shortly after the birth of their only child, Frances Scott Scottie Fitzgerald, the gallus began frequent arguments usually triggered by alcohol (http// In 1924, when the Fitzgeralds went to France, Zelda became smitten with a French naval aviator named Jozan, who unlike Scott was tall and athletic. Although it is not cognize whether the two consummated their affair, man y suspect that it was Scott who demanded that the two stop beholding each other that summer (Milford 110). In Paris, Fitzgerald met Ernest Hemingway with whom he formed a friendship based largely on his admiration for Hemingways personality and genius. The Fitzgeralds remained in France until the end of 1926, alternating between Paris and the Riviera. Although Scott and Ernest were very close at this time, they usually only included their wives, Zelda and Hadley, in social gatherings as wives of writers (Milford 116) earlier than in their intellectual and literary discussions. Ernest became upset when Zelda said to Hadley at this time, I notice in the Hemingway family you do what Ernest wants(Milford 116). Thus, Ernest who always did things his way, was greatly disgusted all over the amount of influence that Zelda had over her husband (Bruccoli 21). Legend also has it that at Ernest and Zeldas first encounter in the summer of 1926, Hemingway took Fitzgerald aside saying th at Zelda was gruesome when she asked Ernest, dont you think Al Jolson is greater than Jesus(Bruccoli 22). Zelda, on the other hand, approximation Hemmingway was a bogus, a phony he-man, and a pansy with hair on his chest. Scott was disappointed by their mutual dislike as he had hoped Zelda would admire Hemingway as much as he did. Hemingway recounts his 1921-1926 Paris years in A Movable Feast. In Hawks Do Not Share, he introduces Zelda at a very bad lunch in the Fitzgeralds unforgiving apartment.

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