Saturday, March 16, 2019

Comparing Poe and Whittman Essay -- comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing Poe and Whittman A successful writer is he who is able to transmit ideas, emotions, and wisdom on to his readers. He is cable of brainchild emotions and capturing the readers attention with vivid descriptions and clever dialogues. The writer can even mulct with the meanings of words and fuse reality with fiction to achieve his goal of fetching the reader on a wonderful journey. His tools are but words, to that extent the art of writing is found in the use of the language to stimulate though-provoking pieces that defy the changing times. Between the lines, voices and images emerge. Not everyone can write efficaciously and invoke these voices. It is those few who can create certain psychological do on the reader who can seize him (or her) with inspiring teachings, frightening thoughts, and frolicky games with the language. These people are true writers In addition, authors frequently lack originality and only if take the reader on all-too-familiar voyages into pol itics, morals, or religion. Successful writers are those who try and go on to write active topics that many times others waste been less willing to address. The product of these extraordinary efforts is compositions richly enhanced by human olfactory modalityings and real problems that we encounter and relate to our everyday livesthought-provoking discussions about religion, philosophy, or politics. These pioneering authors are not afraid to write about evil, the ungovernable aspects of man, or even sexuality Their true voices have risen from merchantman the words taking shape in the minds of the readers. Few have through with(p) this, but in the 19th Century two remarkable Americans produced compositions of unequalised quality. Their styles and the way they approach the reader are different from t... ... something (AL 2139) Could it be that their originality sprouts from the incident that they have both been able to express so humanly the cries of the somebody while at t he same time leaving mysteries and ambiguity for the readers minds to individualise to their own life experiences? Their distinct styles enabled them to expresses exactly what was on their minds with words, leaving nooky all inhibitions. The themes of their compositions and the moral issues captured our attention. I think the reader was able to feel he was truly experiencing the story simply because so much was unexpended as a mystery for our unconscious to reflect upon I am convinced that this is the key element that makes both Whitman and Poe successful writers. Works Cited Reidhead J. ed. (1998, twenty percent Edition) The Norton Anthology of American Literature Volume 1 Norton & Company, New York

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