Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rome :: essays research papers

Occultists the ball over deliberate that, once a symbol is created, itacquires power of its own, and more power is generated when much(prenominal)symbol(s) are created without the profane uninitiated knowing aboutit. And, the greatest power of both is created in the symbol(s) if theuninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists. In this article, weshall evince positive proofs of conspiracy to achieve the ends ofFreemasonry, i.e., achieving the New World Order. And, these proofsexist salutary under your eyes, in Washington, D.C., the Capital district.Prepare for the unexpected. Before you read this article, you readinesswant to go to a map store to buy a street map of Washington, D.C.The New World Order is coming atomic number 18 you ready? Once you look what this NewWorld Order unfeignedly is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you entrust be able to seeit progressing in your daily word of honor Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones Stand by for insi ghts so startlingyou will never look at the news the same way again.YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING processWe will demonstrate that the street design in Government focalise in Washington, D.C., hasbeen cunningly pose out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by thestreets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created by an Masonic architect in 1791,just a few days after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in1782. Remember, cryptic leaders in Europe were told by their Familiar Spirits as early as the1740s that the new American continent was to be schematic as the new "Atlantis", and itsdestiny was to assume the global leadership of the reason to the New World Order. From thebeginning, the United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom ofAntichrist, and Washington, D.C. was to be its capital. You will need to have your maps of Washington, D.C., opened in front of you as weproceed. As we proceed throu gh this discussion we will answer the great question of "Why"these streets have thus been laid out. Before we begin our discussion of this Washington, D.C. map, let us lay nearly importantgroundwork which will enable us to better understand the occultic meaning behind what weare about to show you. This information was tending(p) Cutting Edge Ministries by a born-againChristian who was once a medium level Satanist, atomic number 101 Marquee. At the time of hisconversion, Doc was in charge of several Satanic covens West and North of Boston.

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