Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Commentary on ‘Daddy’ and ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ By Sylvia Plath Essay

Sylvia Plath was born in 1932 to Otto Plath, a German immigrant and Aurelia Plath, an American of Austrian descent. She had a very troubled career, suffering extreme depression and steamy trauma before she committed suicide in 1963 by move her head into a gas oven. Most of her poems reflect this distress and shit the sorrows of her short life. The poems daddy and The reach of the Bee Box ar twain drab and gloomy poems which highlight many aspects of her life and perhaps reason off why she was forced to kill herself.Both the poems are directly or indirectly related to the two most important and influential workforce of Sylvias life- her fix, and her conserve Ted Hughes, who himself was a poet. She loved both hands, merely both of them dominated her and gave her pain and misery which made her life unhappy. As the statute title suggests, the poem soda is primarily about her tyro, moreover many references are in like manner made to Ted Hughes. The Arrival of the Bee B ox is more about herself, but in spite of that the reader has to know the nature of these two men to understand the poem completely and derive a meaning from it. Daddy highlights the relationship of Sylvia and her tiro.Sylvias aim died when she was just ten. This was the time when she adored her pose and his oddment meant a lot to her. but the poem shows the immense nuisance she has towards him as she gradu whollyy realized how he oppressed her and dominated her life. To aim the word daddy as the title of the poem is in a way ironical because although the poem is about Sylvias father, the word doesnt fit in particularly well, as it is usually apply in a positive way, non in a pessimistic and ghastly way. The poem has a lot of imagery, metaphors and similes which illustrates Sylvias anger towards her father and husband and gives the poem a smuggled tone.In the poem Sylvia has compared her father to a black shoe while has called herself a foot living in it for thirty years. Usually a shoes job is to cherish or comfort the foot, not to make it feel trapped and helpless. Her father was so authoritarian, that he made Sylvia feel just that. Although her father died when she was ten, she says that she lived give care the foot for thirty years, barely daring to breathe or achoo. This shows that her fathers nature haunted her even after he died, as it left such a profound and banish psychological crossbreeding on her.The word black can be related to death and makes us think of the shoe like a coffin. The idea of a coffin can in like manner be related in the new(prenominal) poem, The Arrival of the Bee Box, when Sylvia calls the bee recess a midgets coffin. Sylvias father was a zoology and bee expert, and so again we can describe how she has created a dark atmosphere with everything related to her father. On an abstract level, the bee box can be thought of as Sylvias brain and the bees as her thoughts. The idea of her thoughts being trapped inside a co ffin shows how down in the mouth and unhappy she is.The imagery of Daddy is very vivid and striking. Sylvia calls her father a Nazi as she writes, With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo. And youre neat moustache and your Aryan eye, smart as a whip blue. She compares her father to Hitler, highlighting how cruel and heartless he was. She calls herself a Jew, indicating how he used his authority to oppress her. Such thoughts make us refer to the Holocaust, in which Jews were tortured and killed by the German Nazis. Although Sylvia was dominated by her father, she has used a Hyperbole to describe the situation. According to me her father moldiness not have been as ruthless as Hitler. She has just used this comparison to express her immeasurable hatred towards him.She has further developed images of her father by calling him a vampire-someone who doesnt kill a person, but haunts it all his life by sucking his blood. She is trying to say that although her father is dead, his character t estament torment her forever. The imagery of The Arrival of the Bee Box is also strong. We get a clear picture of the bees struggling in the dark box illustrating how Sylvia is thinking and feeling. We get a feeling that her thoughts are tormenting her and that she is in a disturbed body politic of mind. She compares her thoughts to a Roman Mob and says she is not Julius Caesar to control them. Although it is not mentioned, we know that Sylvia is in such a state of mind because of her broken marriage with Ted Hughes. She might be feeling cheated as Ted Hughes left her for another woman. She must be feeling insecure and lonely(prenominal) and cannot in any way run away from her thoughts.In Daddy Sylvia also says that she found her fathers resemblance in Ted Hughes, who also dominated her and broke her heart. Here she compares their torture to the medieval methods of the rack and the go to bed which were cruel and bloody. The tone of the poem is of reverence and a little maculati on of anger, blaming her father and her husband for giving her such a horrid life and simultaneously feeling scared of all that has happened to her in the past. The tone of The Arrival of the Bee Box is different, as she is sort of blaming herself for what she thinks. She is agitated with herself because she cannot get rid of her negative thoughts.The last two stanzas of both the poems are very strong and give an attitude of power and authority from Sylvia. In daddy the tone changes from fear to anger when Sylvia says, Daddy, daddy, you bastard, Im through. One feels that she has overcome all her fears to finally stand up to her father and speak with confidence and labour back. In The Arrival of the Bee Box she shows that she has power when she says, Tomorrow I will be sweet God, I will set them free. But here she makes it a point to tell the reader that she will not misuse her authority like the way Otto Plath and Ted Hughes did. In the last business of the poem she says that th e box is only temporary, showing that she will make an cause to remove those thoughts from her mind, which is a positive end to the poem.

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